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Enrollment Waitlist for 2019 Master’s Program in AI Technology and Application

1. If the listed student decides that he or she no longer want to join the program, it is his or her responsibility to email Record of Abandonment to the program office within three days of the announcement date.
2. The listed student need to send or bring 3 photos to the office. Form of Personal Information and Document Declaration automatically take effect following the announcement of the Waitlist.
3. The listed student should submit Thesis Supervisor Form within two weeks after the announcement date.

*Please download and complete Thesis Supervisor Form. (The research topic should be relevant to AI.)

* Research Field Quota Limit: 2 students for Electronics, 2 for Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2 for Communication Engineering and 2 for Information Science.

* Thesis Supervisor form should be submitted to the office, and the admission is confirmed after the agreement of Program Director. The listed student should directly contact and discuss with his or her potential supervisor. (The attachment v15_1080128 shows the status quo of Research Field Quota)