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BEYOUth Program

      National Chiao Tung University’s College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CECE) is of top-class faculty and has accumulated a large number of alumni as leading roles in Taiwanese electronic information industry. Numerous world class hi-tech companies were funded by NCTU alumni over the past 30 years, and have since grown along with CECE.

      The College currently has undergraduate students of 1530, graduate students of 1571, Ph.D. students of 777, professors, associate professors and assistant professors of 157 totally. To improve quality of higher education and pass down the traditions, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering has promoted BeYouth program, or Brilliant and Extraordinary YOUth Program, and is looking for industry partners for cultivation and broadening of students’ global vision and toward industry needs. To achieve the goal quantitatively and qualitatively, CECE would like to invite willing enterprises joining with the academy, fostering future talents, and draw the prominent future together.

* Cultivating The Talents

      CECE invites enterprises to draw up summer internship program together, providing students with chances of combining theories with hands-on experiences, at the same time help secure future talents for industry partners. To broaden students’ global vision, CECE has cooperative enterprises sponsor honors students studying abroad.
current universities in cooperation for exchange program include:

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIUC
  • Carnegie Mellon University, CMU
  • University of Washington-Seattle
  • Ku Leuven, University of Leuven
  • Chalmers tekniska högskola, Chalmers University of Technology
  • University of Tsukuba
  • Technische Universität München, Technical University of Munich, TUM

Study abroad scholarships provided by CECE include:

  • Electrical Engineering and Computer science Undergraduate Honors Program study abroad scholarship

The program enrolls 30 students every year and is an undeclared-major program, with teaching features of the following:

  • Focuses on cultivating leading talents with professional characters, common sense and global vision.
  • Cross-field course arrangement: Courses coverss fields of electronic component (solid-state electronics, radio waves, optoelectronics), electronic circuit (analog, digital, electronic circuits), system (communication, control, system) and information (information, network, multimedia).
  • CECE seminaries: Students will take electrical engineering seminar and computer engineering seminar separately each semester in their freshman year.
  • Summer Internship: Students can apply for three-month internships at research institutes or in industries during summer vacations.
    Abroad research study program: Students can apply for student exchange program for duration of one semester or a complete academic year. First graduates enrolled in University California Los Angeles and University of Illinois in Fall 2005, Second graduates enrolled in University of Illinois and Carnegie Mellon University in Fall 2006, from Third graduates students can as well apply for University of Leuven (Established in 1452, the oldest university in west Europe)or Technical University of Munich for one academic year, the program will expand to include University of Washington as exchange partner in Fall 2011. The program has sent 104 students abroad till 2000.
  • Department of Electronic Engineering Group A study abroad scholarship

The group enrolls 15 students every year, with teaching features of the following:

  • Department of Electronic Engineering is cooperating with Ministry of Education’s Study Abroad Program to cultivate leading talents with broad eyesight and global vision. Since Academic Year 2005, Department of Electronic Engineering selects 15 students with strong intention broadening their global vision every year, provides them with the chance of experiencing different cultures.
  • The group emphasize on internationalized course arrangement, students with clear intention of expanding global vision are selected before enrollment, internationalized courses are arranged for, including more English medium courses and language courses. Students exchange abroad for one semester during Junior or Senior year by Study Abroad Program of Ministry of Education.
  • In principle, students need at least have finished 20 credits in English medium courses before exchange abroad and conform to the qualification requirements.
  • Department of Electrical Engineering Group A study abroad scholarship

The group enrolls 12 students every year, with teaching features of the following:

  • The objective is cultivating leading talents of electrical engineering profession with global vision, aiming at students with strong bases in mathematics and physics. Students can choose from nine programs from Generalized Electrical Engineering Expertise. Students qualified of basic requirements of foreign languages and academic performance are provided with scholarship to study abroad by support of Study Abroad Program of Ministry of Education, programs such as dual-electrical-engineering-master-degree, 5-year-bachelor-and master-degree and from-bachelor-to-doctorial-degree are provided as well.
  • College of Electrical and Computer Engineering study abroad scholarship for honors students
    CECE also provides scholarship aside from ones listed above, qualified students can exchange abroad for one semester or a complete academic year during their senior year.

* Technical Exchange (Forum))

      CECE has performed exceptionally in the field of electrical engineering, to encourage teamwork and achieve even greater influence, meet academic research power with industry developmental needs, establish interacting mechanisms of technology developments between the two, thus improve competence of Taiwanese industries, CECE has urged to promote research groups. Aside from three large scale research centers of Nanoelectronics and Infotronic Systems Research Center (NISRC), Information and Communication Research Center and X-Photonic Interdisciplinary Center,
there are still 14 research groups:

  1. 3D IC Research Group
  2. Advanced Coding and Information Theory Research Group
  3. Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies Research Group
  4. Cloud Computing Research Group
  5. Electric Car, Intelligent Vehicle Research Group Research Group
  6. Electronic Design Automation Research Group
  7. Hearing Aid IC and System Research Group
  8. Intelligent Robot and Automation Research Group
  9. Multimedia Signals and Systems Research Group
  10. Nano and Green Photonics Research Group Research Group
  11. Next Generation Mobile Broadband (NGMB) Communications Research Group
  12. Power Electronics and Embedded Control Research Group
  13. Sensing Technology Research Group
  14. THz Imaging System and Devices Research Group

CECE welcomes technical exchanges between industries and research groups:

  • Periodically invites industry partners to give speeches on topic of “revolution of advanced education and technology”.
  • Technology Consulting: CECE is willing to help arrange technology consulting for the two parties according to or technical development needs.
  • Research Presentation: CECE can arrange for research groups presentations of different topics and invites industry partners for technology matchups.

Sponsorship Program

      Long-term and stable sponsorship help CECE stay on the edge of technology development and maintain R&D power. Sponsorship for BeYOUth Program will be used supporting honors students studying abroad and research teams. CECE welcomes donation from the industries and people from all fields, and on the spirit of contributing to the society let us nurture future technology talents for the country together.

Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship Level Sponsor Amount Reserved advantages and services
BeYOUth premium membership Annual fee of NT1,000,000 or above In addition to general and enterprise membership privileges, premium members can have shot-term internship programs arranged specifically, members can select more than three students for internship.
BeYOUth enterprise membership Annual fee of NT300,000 or above In addition to general membership privileges, enterprise members can have shot-term internship programs arranged specifically, members can select one student for internship for every NT300,000 sponsored.
BeYOUth general membership Unrestricted Aperiodically receives introductions and annual reports of CECE research groups, and
  • Acquires Non-confidential patent lists and abstracts of college professors.
  • Enjoys arrangements of technology consultings on specific topics with college professors.
  • Has recruitment messages announced and bulletined in CECE.
  • Participates in the annual presentations of research groups.
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