Page 34 - 陽明交大電機學院院刊 2025.02
P. 34


                 第三季重要論文  (2024 年 7-9 月)  獲選刊登本校研發處首頁

           IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

           A New FPGA-Implemented Neural Network for
           Compensating Degradation of AMOLED Displays in Real
           Time for Long Operation With Temperature Considered


           電控工程研究所  趙昌博  講座教授(通訊作者)

                A  new  neural  network  (NN)  model  is       algorithms are implemented into hardware via
           established  for  compensating  effectively  in     the  technology  of  field  programmable  gate
                                                               array  (FPGA),  with  the  platform  of  Xilinx
           real  time  the  luminance  degradation  of
                                                               Vivado  2020.1  for  realizing  the  associated
           organic  light  emitting  diodes  (OLEDs)  in  a
           display operated for an extensive period. The       codes in Verilog. Based on experimental data,
           compensation is achieved by three stages of         the compensation logics in the FPGA board
                                                               led to the averaged displaying accuracies of
           models.  First,  a  model  was  orchestrated  to

           estimate well the temperature distribution of       97.1%, 93.9%, and 95.1% for red, green, and
           an OLED display. Second, a new, incremental         blue  OLEDs,  respectively,  with  respect  to
                                                               target luminances over a long period of 1000
           NN was established based on collected data of
           degraded  OLED  luminance  with  ambient            h, showing the best performance over all the

           temperature     recorded.    Third,     another     other  works  reported  in  the  past.  The
                                                               presented excellent performance attributes are
           algorithm  in  logic  based  on  interpolation  is
                                                               mainly  due  to  the  consideration  of
           designed  to  compensate  effectively  the

           degraded  OLED  luminance  in  real-time            temperature as one of the inputs to the built
           operation of the OLED displays in the shortest      degradation  NN  model  and  the  incremental
                                                               nature of the model.
           time  possible.  All  the  above-mentioned  3

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